Why Hire a Pro Videographer When I Can Just Use My Phone?
I get this question all the time. And as much as I’d rather not say this because it could cost me some business — if you’re just starting out, you probably don’t even need to hire a videographer.
If you’re still testing ideas, building your confidence on camera, or just getting started putting your message out there, it’s best to DIY for a while. Learn the basics. Make mistakes. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Figure out what works.
BUT — at some point, you’ll hit a limit.
Pre-production, filming, editing, revisions, crafting a compelling story — these take a ton of time, even if you are a seasoned pro. And if you’re running a business, your time is better spent on the thing you’re actually best at.
A professional videographer (at least one worth hiring) isn’t just a person with a camera. They:
Understand storytelling — They know how to hook attention, keep people engaged, and make your message stick around in your audiences’ heads.
Save you time — Instead of spending hours figuring out edits (if you even know what to look for), you get polished, ready-to-use content in a matter of weeks (or days).
Make you look like a pro — High-quality visuals + sound + the art of storytelling = higher perceived value for your brand.
It’s not about whether you can do it yourself. If you’ve figured out how to develop a service that others find valuable, you’re smart enough to figure out how to make a halfway-decent video. The question then is about whether doing it yourself is the best use of your time.
If video is something you know you should be doing, but you’re not doing it because doing it on top of all the other stuff you should be doing is overwhelming, then it’s time to bring in a specialist.